Innovative PPC platform.

Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Dear internet marketer....

Hari ada satu masalah yang ingin saya pikirkan terus, masalah yg terkait pertanyaan sebagian teman-teman saya. Sebagian teman saya bertanya,

kenapa sih saya, Haryo “Gold Hand” Prabowo,
sangat serius menggeluti bisnis online?

Kenapa tidak menggeluti bisnis offline saja seperti mereka?

Atau kenapa tidak fokus berkarir saja di kantor, kan prestasi akademik saya cukup bagus? Hmm… pertanyaan yang menggelitik :)

Well, jawaban saya sederhana saja : karena bisnis online lebih menarik.

* lebih fleksibel
* lebih mudah
* lebih murah
* lebih menguntungkan

Penjelasannya :

1/ bisnis online bisa saya lakukan dari mana pun. entah dari warnet, entah dari kampus, entah dari rumah

Sedangkan bisnis offline harus dilakukan di kantor, toko, dan tempat yang sudah fixed.

Dengan bisnis online, “kantor” yang mendatangi saya, dengan bisnis offline, saya yang mendatangi kantor.

Hei, saya bahkan bisa mengerjakan bisnis-bisnis saya dari cafe lho! =)

2/ bisnis online itu mudah

Cukup dengan duduk, ketak-ketik, dan selesailah sudah. Sambil nonton TV & minum es teh manis, nikmat sekali.

Kalau teman-teman saya harus pergi kesana-kemari, terjebak macet, keringatan, dan sebagainya.

Nonton TV? Teh manis? Jangan harap =)

3/ bisnis online itu murah

Yang saya perlukan dalam mengerjakan bisnis-bisnis saya di internet tidaklah banyak. Hanya bermodalkan koneksi internet, beberapa ebook panduan, jasa hosting dan domain, sedikit kemampuan bahasa Inggris, etc...

Kalau dihitung-hitung, modalnya kurang dari Rp 1.000.000 pun sudah bisa menjalankan berbagai bisnis di internet. Tidak mahal sama sekali, dibandingkan jika saya membuka bisnis di dunia nyata.

4/ bisnis online BESAR sekali incomenya

Kalau saya berbisnis offline, belum tentu sebesar ini hasilnya. Hanya dalam waktu kurang dari setahun, saya bisa menghasilkan lebih dari senilai Rp 100.000.000 per bulan dari berbagai bisnis online saya, entah yang menghasilkan dollar atau rupiah.

Teman-teman yang kerja di kantor, belum tentu sebesar ini gajinya.

Memang berapa income saya per bulan?

100 juta rupiah sebulan? Ya, Alhamdulillah saya sudah bisa menembus angka 10 juta rupiah sebulan. Dan ini saya lakukan ____paruh waktu____. Dan ini semua saya capai hanya dalam waktu kurang dari satu tahun.

See? Inilah nikmatnya bisnis online. Anda bisa melesat tinggi hanya dalam waktu singkat, asal tahu caranya, asal mau berusaha.

Tidak perlu bertahun-tahun bekerja, jika Anda tekun hanya dalam beberapa bulan sudah dapat terasa manisnya buah berbisnis online. Tidak perlu pintar matematika fisika kimia, hanya perlu tahu caranya & tekun menjalankannya.

Jadi : "kalau Anda bertanya kenapa saya berbisnis online?", beberapa alasan di atas adalah jawabannya.

Nah, sekarang Anda sudah tahu alasan-alasan saya.

Bagaimana dengan Anda? Kapan Anda memulai?

Setulusnya dan sejujurnya,

klick situs ini

Jumat, 13 Juni 2008

The Top 10 Qualities of Your Next Winning Goal by Mark Ford

No matter what you're going for in your life, having a goal is an essential part of the process. When you have a goal, you're more focused, you're more motivated and you're clearer about where you're going.

Making decisions is easier when you have a goal, because if you're really honest with yourself you know if one particular choice is leading you towards your l or away from it.

When you don't have a goal, life can be aimless, stagnant, depressing or self-destructive. Chasing the wrong goal, though, might be even worse than not having one at all.

Here are the Top 10 Qualities of Your Next Winning Goal

  1. Fun. When the game is fun, the goals get done. Whatever your goal, make sure it's something you can enjoy working towards. Find a path to the finish line that makes use of your strengths and gives you opportunities for connection, fulfillment and joy.
  2. Realistic. Your goal needs to be realistic and not too lofty -- a marathon runner aims to run one mile, 26 times. Use your track record of meeting or not meeting previous goals as your guide. Not meeting your goals has as much to teach you as meeting them -- instead of giving up, break the goal down further.
  3. Personal. Goals need to be something you want to achieve, based on your own passion and vision. If a goal is something you or someone thinks you "should" do, it's not your goal.
  4. Concrete. Your goal needs to be tangible and definable. "I'm going to spend more time with my children," is an admirable thought. "I'm going to spend 30-minutes reading a bedtime story to my children every night," is a goal.
  5. Revered. Achieving a goal is cause for celebration. Too often people swing from berating themselves for not working hard enough or letting themselves off the hook, to shrugging off their
    accomplishments because they're too busy chasing the next goal.
  6. Extraordinary. Eleanor Roosevelt implored, "Do one thing every day that scares you." Your goal should be outside of your comfort zone, outside of your job description, outside of your daily routines and rituals that you're going to do anyway. We set a goal when we want to do MORE or do better.
  7. Flexible. You may need to shift and adapt your goals if you find you're consistently off track. How can you think outside of the box and still get where you want to go?
  8. Applied. You can only turn your passions and dreams into reality by setting and reaching your goals. Decide what you want, what you're going to do to get it, write it down and start doing it. Don't take it lightly, live your life "on purpose."
  9. Top-of-mind. Goals need your attention, or they can be easily obliterated by daily life; other things will inevitably become more important and take over. Make your goals fit in with what you also want to do for your family, career and community, so that you're not choosing between them.
  10. Shared. Goals need to be spoken out loud, committed and shared. When someone else knows what you're trying to accomplish, you give them the opportunity to support you. And for them, you're a living role model of inspiration, passion and purpose.

If your previous attempts to improve yourself have failed, go back to the drawing board and make sure that you're working towards the right goal. Once you set a winning goal for yourself, the road to change becomes clear.

(c) Copyright 2008, Mark Ford

3# RULES ====>>> Relationship

Relationship Marketing by Dr.Gomathi Viswanathan

In the early 1990s the concept of relationship marketing was formally introduced into the field of service marketing. And further the concept was also found applicable in the case of industrial as well as consumer products. As the concept of relationship marketing has emerged the focus has been shifted from transaction marketing to relationship marketing as under:

Transaction marketing - Relationship Marketing

* Focus on single sale - * Focus on customer retention

* Orientation on product features - * Orientation on product benefits

* Little emphasis on customer - * High customer service emphasis


* Limited customer commitment - * High customer commitment

* Moderate customer contact - * High customer contact

* Quality is primarily a concern - * Quality is concern for all.

Of production - (TQM ).


The aim of relationship marketing is to create strong, lasting relationship with core group of customers. It is to a firm's advantage to develop long term relationship with existing customers because it is easier and less expensive to make an additional sale to an exiting customer than to make a new sale to a new customer.


The relationship marketing helps the customer on one hand and the service provider on the other hand.

The benefits which are associated with the customers are:

• Customers remain loyal and receive more value compared to the competitors.

• Customers have the sense of well being and quality of life as they have long term relationship with the service provider.

• Customer think that the service provider knows their preferences and have tailored services to suit their needs over a period of time and they do not want to change this arrangement they have remain loyal.

The benefits for the service producers are:

• Due to good relationship management the service provider gets committed and loyal customers, thus increasing the purchases, which in turn increase the profits of the company.

• Lower cost retaining the current customers cost much lower than making new customers as new customers attract advertising cost and other promotional costs, operating costs of setting up accounts and systems and cost of getting to know the customers.

• Free advertising through word of mouth.

• It is easier for the firm to retain the employees when the company has stable base of satisfied customers.

CRM is not panacea for all marketing maladies. It has its own constraints.

• CRM is not for everyone. When the market consists of a myriad of customers and the unit profit margins are not much, for instance selling washing powders, basic marketing is enough. CRM is an apt strategy when customers are of long-time horizons and profit margins are much.

• CRM assumes that customers play a passive role in relationships. But in the networked world, they have the ability to play an active role in managing relationships. Now a-days the marketing is towards collaborative marketing, in which the company collaborates with customers and makes them an integral part of the company's marketing activities.

• CRM is mainly based on customer databases. The collection of data and storage of data for CRM comes in handy only. When the data collected is accurate and appropriate, is collected at a reasonable cost, analysed diligently, reported promptly in a lucid manner and kept secret from competitors. Simon London opines, "Data have little value on their own: They are useful only when they have context and relevance."



In the past, customers were simple persons and were happy at whatever banks dished out to them. Over a period of time with the competition and technological improvements customers have become fully aware of their rights. They now demand nothing short of excellent and prompt services. And further expect improvements there on. In fact over a period of time customer service has become customer satisfaction and customer delight and it can be said what they look forward to now is customer ecstasy. Umpteen alternatives are available to enlightened customers and they choose only those banks that they consider best suites them.

Why customer Service?

A customer is the most important person who visits the premises of a bank. He is not dependent on the bank - rather the bank is dependent on him. He should not be considered as a rude interruption in work. Rather he is the purpose of the work. Further it must be realised that:

(a) It takes months to find and get a good customer but only seconds to loose one.

(b) It is easier to rectify a mistake than to go on arguing on a mistake with a customer.

(c) A satisfied customer brings in more customers and he is the best advertisement for the back.

Initiatives by Banks

Of late, banks have been taking a plethora of initiatives to reorient their basic customer service ethos. These include

• Emphasis on process reengineering for improving customers' terms of transaction.

• Shift from 'cost plus' pricing to competitive pricing of services.

• Progressive IT application for swift delivery channels

• Universal service obligation by creating 'bank within a branch' concept.

• Improving value chain for customers.

• Pursuit of TQM at operational and administrative units.

• Three pronged strategy of product innovation, product delivery and product servicing

• Focus on product augmentation as well as hybridization.

• Shift from a "selling" to "marketing" mode.

• Multiple platforms for swift redressal of grievances.

• Periodical rating of service quality in house as well as by external agencies.
• Enrichment of training calendar, with sharp focus on behavioral aspects of customer service.

Effective CRM: The Task Ahead

Any bank aspiring to grow in size, diversity, profitability and clientele base must adopt a four fold strategy. These relate to

1. Acquiring new customers more cost effectively.

2. Increasing revenues from existing clientèle.

3. Increasing retention rates, especially among high value clients.

4. Reducing the cost of sales and servicing.


For a better customer service, banks should emphasis on :

• Increasing the volume of business by extending working hours with the use of technology

• Widening the clientèle base by providing anywhere, anytime and any channel banking service to the customers.

• Increasing the number of delivery channels like ATM banking, phone banking etc.

• Improving service quality and operational efficiency.

• Improving management information system to use data as a business intelligence fool.

• Enhancing cross selling of products to existing customer.

• Service culture is to be developed among the staff. Human Resource Development standards should be maintained in the recruitments at all levels.

Marketing With Love by A.Ambarini

Ketika cinta sudah bicara, maka hati akan melekat disana. Ketika cinta sudah mulai hilang di dalam dunia bisnis, maka “menjual” dengan menggunakan perasaan cinta akan lebih mudah untuk menangkap hati konsumen……………

Dunia semakin berkembang dan banyak terjadi perubahan-perubahan, banyak kebencian dan kedengkian serta permusuhan muncul dimana-mana dengan berbagai sebab akibat, namun ada satu yang tidak akan pernah hilang dimana masih ada cinta dalam diri insan manusia yang sangat jarang di apresiasikan oleh sebagian orang dewasa ini, bahkan ketika semua kebencian ini muncul maka cintalah yang berhasil meluluhkan segalanya, ketika orang semakin jarang menemukan cinta maka cinta pun akan di cari bahkan laku untuk dijual sekalipun.

Apabila jiwa bisa berteriak, mungkin akan terdengar sama dengan teriakan dalam lagu “where is the love ?”…………………. dan ini pulalah yang sangat dirasakan dalam dunia bisnis. Persaingan semakin keras, dan untuk memenangkan persaingan serta mencapai target tak jarang banyak yang mengorbankan cintanya ke konsumen dan juga ke partner kerja lainnya, ironis sekali tapi itulah kenyataan yang terjadi dewasa ini.

Dengan mempengaruhi emosi konsumen, tak jarang banyak marketer yang rela mengorbankan perasaan cinta, misalnya saja dengan menjual produk tanpa cinta, bukankah ini hanya jangka pendek saja ? Namun bayangkan ketika produk yang dijual dapat mempengaruhi emosi konsumen dan bisa menyentuh rasa cinta konsumen, maka yakinlah bahwa konsumen tidak akan pernah lari dari produk tersebut.

Cinta akan selalu meluluhkan hati. Bayangkan saja ketika seorang jatuh cinta ? apa yang tidak akan dilakukan untuk cintanya ? Pastinya juga bila seorang mencintai seseorang, maka ia pun akan melayani dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk cintanya. Ada 10 konsep yang biasanya terjadi di dalam marketing yang bisa saja dikatakan marketing kelirumologi, yaitu :

1. Marketing is selling, selling is persuasion, persuasion is cheating
2. Marketing is promotion, promotion is advertising, advertising is bullshiting
3. Marketing is multilevel, multilevel is motivational, motivational is pushing
4. Marketing is price war, price war is discount, discount is buying more
5. Marketing is packaging, packaging is covering, covering is illusioning
6. Marketing is naming, naming is logo-ing, logo-ing is designing
7. Marketing is for product
8. Marketing is to customer
9. Marketing is department
10. Marketing is for big companies

Seharusnya dalam marketing in love ini terdapat integrity dari 3 hal yaitu; positioning, differentiation dan brand. Untuk mempengaruhi otak manusia dalam penjualan ini juga perlu diperhatikan 3 hal utama dalam diri manusia yaitu mindware, soulware dan heartware. Ketiganya ini harus bisa saling melengkapi dan mendukung satu sama lainnya. Sinergi dari mind, heart dan soul akan mempengaruhi langsung konsumen dengan perasaan cinta yang utuh sehingga produk juga akan mendapatkan cinta dari konsumennya.

Bagaimana sinergisitas dari mind, heart dan soul itu bisa terwujud, itulah yang menjadi pertanyaan disini, oleh karena itu penting pula kita perhatikan beberapa hal berikut ini:

1. Love your customers, respect your competitors
2. Be sensitive to change, be ready to transform
3. Guard your name, be clear of who you are
4. Customer are diverse, go first to who really need you
5. Always offer a good package at a fair price
6. Always make yourself available, spread the good news
7. Get your customers, keep and grow with them
8. Whatever your business, it is a service business
9. Always refine your process in term of QCD
10. Gather relevant information but use wisdom in the final decision

10 Reasons I Love Marketing by Debbie LaChusa

Marketing is the profession I chose in college. Yes, I am one of the few people who is actually working in the field she studied in school!

Why did I choose marketing? Why do I still enjoy it after 21 years?

Here are the Top 10 Reasons I Love Marketing.

(1) It's never boring.
No two days are ever the same. Because no two projects are ever the same. And, because no two clients are ever the same. So even if I am doing the same task there are always enough variables to keep in interesting.

(2) It's creative.
Marketing is about generating ideas. It's about creating ways to make more, get more and sell more. It's a creative industry, filled with creative, idea-generating people. And I LOVE creating!

(3) I get to learn about all kinds of businesses.
Over the past 21 years I have created and implemented marketing plans for clients in every industry imaginable. I've marketed fitness, new cars, new homes, resale homes, newspapers, websites, hotels, restaurants, products, and the list goes on. In the process, I get to learn about each of these businesses and it's fascinating.

(4) It involves writing and I love to write.
Writing is one of my favorite creative outlets. To have the opportunity to do it every day in my work is pure joy!

(5) It enables me to have my own business.
When I decided I wanted to be home more with my kids, I was able to successfully open my own business because I knew how to market. And, it continues to allow me to successfully open new business ventures.

(6) It lends itself to freelance and independent work.
Marketing isn't just something you can do in a 9 to 5 job. There are many freelance and independent work opportunities available. Because of this I was able to easily transition from a full-time marketing job to my own business.

(7) I get to meet all kinds of interesting people.

From clients, to the media, to production vendors, to partners, to podcast interviewees, I have had the opportunity to meet so many interesting people over the past 21 years. And, I continue to meet new ones every single day. It's awesome!

(8) It's always changing so it keeps me on my toes.
It seems they are always inventing new ways to market. In the past two years alone I've had to completely learn about Internet Marketing, Blogging and Podcasting - things I knew nothing about before. I'm telling you, it keeps my brain young!

(9) There are so many facets to a marketing career.
Over the past 21 years, I've worked in advertising agencies in production, media and account services. I've been a marketing director on the client side. I've run my own virtual marketing agency, DLC Marketing. And, I've had the opportunity to create and build 10stepmarketing, Twin Connections and now 6FigureWorkAtHomeMom.

(10) It has supported me well over the past 21 years!

While I admit I didn't make much my first few years out of college (talk about living on peanuts!), for the most part, marketing has allowed me to make a good living doing work I enjoy.

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008


Setting Realistic Goals By Michael Russell

Many people would like to alter their lifestyle or change their circumstances. Various reasons prevent them from doing so but most of these reasons are due to factors which can be overcome. Whatever circumstances most people find themselves in they can, if they want, change them. But they will not make that change if they think they can't. Nothing is achieved without, at first, being 'thought through'. The thought process leads to confronting situations people would like to alter and what they would like to replace them with. The same logic applies to any circumstances, be they personal, financial, concerning employment, family relationships or any other condition, possibly excluding health. Let us look at what thinking will achieve. To simplify matters we will examine a person who feels he/she could get a better and more lucrative job.

The first realistic thoughts should be concentrated on: What would they prefer to do instead? Being realistic is important. As the saying goes, 'You must walk before you can run'. When people have decided what they want the next step is to examine how they are going to achieve that aim. We now enter the area of 'Goal Setting'. The process has already been started with the 'desire' and 'thinking' stage, but now it becomes far more important, interesting and achievable.

This is where a Goal Setting path/log must be implemented, written down and monitored daily.

We will use the example of an assistant in a Supermarket who would like to further his/her career but doesn't know where to begin. He or she is working at a 'comfort level' but would like to do better. Now is the time to start Goal Setting. The assistant would like to become a supervisor, the first goal. To achieve that goal the assistant must study what responsibilities and duties the supervisor has. He/she must then enter the requirements they need into the log and start to study what is necessary to obtain those skills. No matter what it takes, (further education, company courses, watching supervisors work or additional information about the job) you must stay focused on your goals to achieve that first goal you have set for yourself.

After a few months this person has now been promoted to Supervisor. Congratulations. He/she has achieved that first goal. The time has come to start the process all over again, if that is what the person wants and why not? They have already achieved the first goal, so why not go further?

By keeping your log for reference purposes you can then update it for your next Goal. This time you want to set a more difficult goal. You would like to be a Departmental Manager within the Supermarket. This is a more senior position for which additional skills and knowledge will be required.

In obtaining the first goal the experience needed will help in setting a path to the second one. This is where caution becomes important. To go from Supervisor to Departmental Manager may be too big a step, so, whilst still keeping the new goal as the aim, set a new objective in order to become an Assistant Departmental Manager. Follow the same procedure which led to promotion as Supervisor, working diligently and efficiently and learning all you can, not only about the Assistant Manager's job but also what the Departmental Manager is doing. Don't lose sight of your goal, make notes in your log, listen to advice and stay focused.

You can now see the importance, effectiveness and motivation of Goal Setting. It regularly gives people the opportunity of promotions for positions which they never thought they could achieve.

Set out your Goals in small steps, monitor your progress regularly, keep focused and, if you wish, raise your standards by setting new, higher Goals.

This formula will work in most situations, not only in employment. The situations need to be 'Thought Through' objectively and Goals should be set realistically.


Small Business Marketing Success - It's All About Your Attitude by Ron Abbott

Small business marketing success can only be achieved when you are mentally prepared to be persistent and tenacious. Having a winning marketing attitude is the first step in creating a business that dominates your market and defeats all of your competitors.

What's your marketing attitude? Do you see yourself as confident winner or a cynical loser?

Most small businesses fail because of lack of sales brought on by a neglect of marketing. Typically, the business owner is wearing so many hats and battling endless problems that they push marketing aside until it is too late and they are hemorrhaging money. Marketing usually takes a back seat to employee problems, meeting payroll, dealing with vendors, satisfying customers, and fighting off competitors.

Unsuccessful business owners perceive marketing as an obstacle to be avoided rather the engine that drives the cash producing machine. Conversely, businesses that thrive for many years understand that marketing is the key to their success and that nothing else they do is more important. It's all about marketing attitude.

Here are six marketing attitudes that generate sales and lead to success:

  1. A Belief in the Power of Marketing: Nothing else you will do in your daily activities will create sales and profits more than your marketing activities. Marketing is an investment that generates positive results, everything else creates costs.
  2. Persistence and Tenacity: You must never give up and constantly market your business no matter what the market conditions or who the competition. Most small businesses owners quit because of a few of their marketing plays fail to produce. A never-give-up marketing attitude is a must.
  3. A Systematic Approach: Successful marketing is a methodical process that requires strategic planning with defined goals and consistent execution with results that can be measured. Most businesses plan by tossing a coin to decide where and execute a single, one time marketing play. This approach never works.
  4. Resiliency and Immunity to Failure: When you play the marketing game you will face failure. Not every sales letter, advertisement, or post card you send will get people to act in your favor. You must accept the failures and use them to adjust your approach until you win. Your favorite marketing phrase should always be - 'What's next?'
  5. Relationships Matter: Successful small business marketing is the result of creating relationships with clients and customers built on trust. When they know you and like you they will buy from you without hesitation and not consider your competitor's offer.
  6. A Winner's Mindset: Marketing is a game that is played on a tough battlefield with many worthy adversaries. Being shy and timid about letting your prospects know how you can solve their problems and improve their lives can be disastrous. A confident message with an aggressive approach is the only way to take on your competition and come out victorious with the sale.

Having the right attitude toward your small business marketing is the surest way to achieve the level of success you desire. It can mean the difference between you enjoying the thrill of victory or the bitter taste of defeat.